Tengku Noor Zima
Pn. Siti Khadzimah
Here is the list of tasks that you need to do :
1) Work in a group of four or less.
2) Search and photocopied (print out) two most relevant articles about NUMBER RECREATIONS (eg : Fibonacci sequences , Lucas sequences , fascinating triangular numbers and Magic squares etc.) as your relevant references to your new number recreation activities that you can apply in your Mathematic class.
3) Summarize all your reading by creating your own graphical organizer (eg : mind map, tree organizer, fish bone organizer etc.) to represent your understanding on your reading.
4) Create a NEW NUMBER RECREATION activity that is suitable and apply it in Mathematic class during your School Base Experience.
5) Organized your activities and compile it in a CD for presentation.
6) Write a detail report beginning from the history of number recreation, how you create your own number recreation and why you choose it.
7) Show how you implement all the stages of the new number recreation activity during your Mathematic class and give your justification and suggestions on each step during your SBE.
8) In your individual reflection you should be able to identify the weaknesses and strength of the whole learning process by using SWOT(Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threat) analysis.
Task 1 : graphic organizer
Readings and make summary on the concept of numbers and number recreations using graphic organizer or mind map.
Task 2 : Number recreation activity (at your own school)
Compile a set of activities that can promote the application of number recreations.
Task 3: Presentation week (minimum 15 slides)
1) In this project, you are also required to prepare a portfolio that should include :
i. A printed copy of two relevant articles.
ii. An introduction on the collective of your graphic organizer from your reading and the new NUMBER RECREATION activity that you have designed.
iii. A report on your reflection of your knowledge and suggestions on numbers recreation activities after your SBE.
iv. List of references or bibliography.
v. Collaboration form to show proof on collaboration with your lecturers and among group members.
vi. CD of your presentation (soft copy) and a printed slide (hard copy).
2) Submit your task in the form of hard copy and soft copy .
3) Use font Arial, size 12, 1.5 spacing and references must be quoted using APA style.